Sunday, August 26, 2007

Welcome, 100-Mile Dieters!

A quick hello to everyone checking in from the 100-Mile Diet website! If you're from San Diego - or even anywhere in southern California - please make yourself known by leaving a comment. Tell me how your search for local food is going. Is there anyone out there who has committed to the September Eat Local Challenge?

My husband and I are slowly but steadily transitioning to local sources for most of our food, although we've hit some fairly substantial roadblocks (lack of milk and pastured meat being two of them). There are a lot of exciting things happening in San Diego on the local-eating scene, giving me reason to hope. I will be posting our adventures regularly!

Next week: dinner at The Linkery and a guest blogger reflects on Michael Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma.


lola coca-cola said...

So exciting to hear about someone else trying to eat locally; it's hard! I'm thinking about the September Eat Local challenge...

Anonymous said...

Hi! We're just starting down this path, visiting our first farmer's market this past weekend. We went to it years ago and was turned off by the poor quality. This time the food looked great!

So I'm keen to see where you guys are. What a coinkydink that I discovered 100-Mile today too!

Anonymous said...

Did you see that yesterday's post at The Linkery says that they found locally grown pastured meat? Yippee!

Melanie Lytle said...

Yup! We will be there on Tuesday night when they serve it. Check back later in the week for a full accounting!

Anonymous said...

For the eat local challenge, I like the idea of having a 'local' potluck with each person bringing something they found locally. Might ease some of the stress of finding things and perhaps introduce you to new things from the area!


jana said...

I'm in the OC and we're working hard at eating local. My biggest hurdle right now is wheat. Do you know of any local sources??

Katherine Gray said...

hello! not from SD (from Portland, up north) but wanted to say hello! we're eating about half-local these days. all of our produce, meat and eggs are local. snacks, like crackers and rice bars for the kids, are still coming in boxes. i intend to find a way to cook/bake some local alternatives.

i really look forward to reading your archives!especially mining for recipes. ;)

Melanie Lytle said...

Hello lola coca-cola, leanne, jana, and katherine! Thanks for making yourself known! I hope that you'll check back often and contribute if you can.

Jana - wheat has been a challenge. As of yet, I've had no finds. Stay tuned though, as this is an important part of our diet and I'd like to find someone reasonably close by to supply us. In the meantime, we've simply been supporting local bakeries (such as Bread & Cie here in San Diego) that have to buy their wheat elsewhere.